Monster Pong
A 4 player, 2 vs 2 pong game that is run by using Arduino and P5.js. The console and controls provide the players with a whole new and unique experience through the use of armbands that have a bend sensor integrated into it.

Group Members

Harry Punia
Sam Giustizia
Alex Atiti

Early Ideation / Concept

During the group ideation process, it was decided that the direction of the project would be towards making a multiplayer game. The idea that was prevelent while brainstorming were games that focused around a deflectable object like a ball and some form of a paddle like pong, air hockey, etc.

Final Idea

1 ) A unique version of a pong game that would be played by 4 players. Each player will have their corner of the squared arena and will try to land the ball past the opposite corners to gain a point until the first one to gain 5 points wins.
2 ) Players control their paddles by bending their arms by using a bend sensor that is stitched onto a pair of armbands. Armband#1 controls the lateral movement and armband#2 controls the verticle movement of the paddle.
3 ) Due to certain technical limitations and time constraints for the programming aspect of the idea, the idea was altered to a more straight forward, classic 2v2 pong rather than using all 4 corners.

Body Storming

Before the process of developing and designing components of the game and fully pursuing the idea, a body storm was conducted. When the participants were gathered, they were told how the game functions and then were asked to perform a physical simulation where they would perform the actions while the group members would move the ball and paddles.


1 ) Some players found it difficult to differentiate which arm was used for horizontal and vertical movements.
2 ) The horizontal movements does not reflect the movements of the arm when bending.


1 ) Simplify the controls. Maybe a simple joystick would make it easier.
2 ) Implement a means of physical movement that reflects the horizontal plane.

Early Console Designs

Console Sketch

The design of the console was finalized. To reflect the in-game design, 2 opposite sides were marked with 2 players on each side labled P1, P2, P3, and P4. On each player slot, a pair of bend sensor armbands will be connected by wires into the console while the arduino is connected to a monitor. Furthermore, in-game characters and a soccer field would be engraved on the top of the console using lazer cutting.

Lazer Cutting File / Final Cut

Armband Construction

1 ) Thick nylon socks were cut in half and the tips were cut as well. Each half is used for one arm band.
2 ) The bend sensor was built and placed in the middle region of the half-cut thick nylon sock.
3 ) A water bottle was placed inside the sock to preserve the shape of an arm while stitching.
4 ) The stitiching process begins. At least 5mm of space between each stitch.
5 ) Heat shrink wire was added to protect the soldering work and connection.
6 ) All 4 pairs of armbands for 4 players are complete and ready for use.

Console Construction

1 ) Glue the base together. 2 ) Aligned the angled edges of the top half of the console and covered it with tape untill it felt stirdy. 3 ) Also added tape on the back side of the angled top half of the console. 4 ) Once tape was added, I glued the adges on the back side. 5 ) Once glue dried, the tape was removed. 6 ) All 4 pairs of armbands for 4 players are complete and ready for use.

Final Images