Nuvo: User Research

During the second year at Sheridan College, we were granted the opportunity to conduct our first, full scale, user research project. The company that permitted us to conduct the research was a local company called NUVO Network, where they provide collaborative workspaces for creatives, innovators and entrepreneurs alike.

Programs Used

Adobe Photoshop

The purpose of our research study is to answer the following question:

“How might we leverage new technologies, interactive media and digital interfaces to reimagine the member and visitor experience at Nuvo Network?"

Potential Benefits

The potential benefits of this research are improving the Nuvo Network experience for their users as well as coming to some manner of conclusion as to what Nuvo Network can work towards or commission in terms of new technology.

Study Scope

The scope of our study is to “analyze how co-working spaces function, identify user needs/preferences and provide evidence-based design recommendations”. We will then organize this information and conclude how we might leverage new technologies, interactive media and digital interfaces to reimagine the member and visitor experience.


The first phase of the research study project involved going to the NUVO Network workspaces and facility and observing and gathering information about the surroundings and different activities or events going on at the time. The purpose of conducting observations at the NUVO Network facility was to gain a throughout view and understanding of the workspaces, their functions, and what the facility offers in order to narrow our scope and ideas of how to potentially improve the overall experience at NUVO Network.
General Questions:

1. How workplaces are being used by the users
2. Are certain spaces being used by co-operative groups?
3. What technologies are people using?
4. How often are people using the provided tech?
5. What are people seeming to do while relaxing?
6. What workspaces seem empty?
7. How are people communicating with one another?

Post Observations

During the observation phase at NUVO Network, the group gathered allot of valuable information and gained a very beneficial understanding of the workspaces and the other environments around the facility. What my group and I observed was a very active and engaging ecosystem of creative minds and entrepreneurs alike, all interacting and working together in a very comfortable and positive environment. Furthermore, it was evident that NUVO Network highly valued its objective in creating a creative and engaging environment by providing its staff and customers with the necessary tools and equipment to do so.

Final Idea

As the tour of the NUVO fascility was taking place, the group was introduced to an empty, plain room in the lobby area. The idea that we came up with was a multipurpose space that would serve as a content creation and product testing room.

Tech Requirements

4K TV's
Sound Board
Mics & Stands
High Resolution Screens
Fast Internet
Eye Tracking Software

Design Requirements

Sound Proofing
Open Space
LED Lights
Comfortable Seating
Green Screen

Room Latout / Plan

There were several iterations of how the potential content creation/testing room might be laid out. In our final room layout seen below, the goal was to provide a combination of space, easy accessibility, and most importantly privacy.

SketchUp: Full 3D Design

The next step was to bring the floor plan to life by utilzing SketchUp. Throughout the modeling process, I used a combination of designing from scratch, and 3d assets from the public SketchUp library.

Streaming Room

The streaming room is the most decorated and occupied space in the entire workspace. It utilizes most of the space to fit all the necessary equipment and technology for content creators/streamers to work at a high capacity and deliver their best creations. We wanted to continue the NUVO Network message of a collaborative and co-working environment so we made all PC setups face each other. Furthermore, we added a couch set-up with a screen to diversify the options and provide a unique twist on collaborative content creation.

Testing Room & Green Screen Room

To ensure that the testing room is effective, the room is enclosed in glass to make sure that there are no outside distractions. A unique inclusion in this part of the content creation/testing room is the large green screen. The green screen room is spacious and would provide the necessary equipment such as a professional camera and lighting.